Hey there! 🏊

We are thrilled to invite you to become a brand ambassador for DanFun, our top-tier swimwear brand! We believe you would be an ideal representative. As an ambassador, you’ll have the chance to try out our distinctive swimwear with (3) complimentary items ✨ and join an exclusive community.

To get started, simply message us on our main page @danfun.official with the keyword "ambassador" Our team will then guide you through the next steps.

Thank you for your interest! We're thrilled to hear from you and look forward to welcoming you on board!
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這則訊息需要閱聽人特別留意以下幾個地方: 1. 「成為 DanFun 的品牌大使」:品牌大使通常是代表該品牌推廣產品,閱聽人需要確認自己是否真的有興趣並且願意代表該品牌。 2. 「(3) complimentary items」:免費提供的商品數量為3件,閱聽人需要確認是否有任何附加條件或責任。 3. 「message us on our main page @danfun.official with the keyword 'ambassador'」:閱聽人需要確認是否透過正確的管道與品牌聯繫,以免受到詐騙或不實訊息的影響。
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