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BBC 記者 Russell Miller:
Pelosi 訪台的真正原因:

Extract from a discussion by Russell Miller (British journalist) on the main reason for Pelosi's controversial visit to Taiwan.

The most important meeting on Pelosi’s meeting was not with the Taiwan government authorities and President Tsai Ing-wen, but a meeting she specifically requested with the management of TSMC, which is the leading world manufacturer of the most advanced semiconductors. Most importantly, many chips made by TSMC are found in leading US applications and US defense industry weapons systems.
If Taiwan is to be re-united with the People’s Republic, then the US would be truly screwed, because all of the equipment and engineers of TSMC would become PRC citizens, and the PRC would know all about the chips in US defense systems, and would know how to counter them.
For this reason, the US Congress has passed bills forcing TSMC to set chip fabs in Arizona and transferring their technology to the US, even though this is very much against the wishes of TSMC management. The TSMC management has repeatedly said that costs in the US are too high, and there are not enough quality engineers with the skills needed in the US. But the US Commerce Department and US Congress don’t care because they are run by lawyers who are only good at issuing sanctions and threatening other countries through legislation and if that doesn’t work, with the power of the US military.

In short, the US Congress, of which Pelosi is a representative, don’t give a damn about TSMC’s commercial success and profitability; they only care that China does not get its hands on TSMC’s fabs and engineers. This was the reason behind her request for meeting TSMC’s management while she was in Taiwan.

So, while Pelosi was talking all about human rights, freedom and democracy to the western media so that not very sophisticated people who are not very good at thinking think that Taiwan is Asia’s Ukraine, this TSMC meeting revealed her true intentions. It was a warning to TSMC that they must step up their efforts to relocate their engineers and facilities to the US where they will be firmly under US control, and there is no threat from the PRC.

In other words, the US is already preparing for Taiwan’s seizure by the People’s Republic, while publicly telling the world that it must support Taiwan’s freedom and democracy.

This is in fact a US recognition that China will eventually take over Taiwan, and reunifying Taiwan with the rest of China under the People’s Republic. It is only a matter of time.

So, on the surface, while this trip looks like a message of support for Taiwan’s stand against the claims of the People’s Republic, in fact, the meeting with TSMC signals that the US recognizes that China will eventually take over Taiwan, and will control Taiwan’s assets including TSMC. This is recognition that as China becomes more powerful economically and militarily, the US will not be able to safeguard Taiwan from China’s claims, and that eventually Taiwan will become a province of the People’s Republic with effective control coming from Beijing, not Taipei.
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