吐司邊別丟!國外研究:富含抗氧化劑 可防腸道病變
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕你喜歡吃吐司邊嗎?有些人習慣吃吐司要去邊,有些人則喜愛吐司邊扎實的口感,最近有國外研究指出,麵包皮(bread crust)含有豐富的膳食纖維、抗氧化劑,多攝取麵包皮對身體有益。
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此文原文:Through analyzing the bread crust, bread crumbs from the paler inside of the bread and flour, researchers discovered that pronyl-lysine, an antixodant, was eight times more plentiful in the bread crust than in the other components of the bread(麵包邊的pronyl-lysine含量遠高於白麵包部分)


Is eating bread crust really good for you?
Borelli, Rose C. and Vicenzo Fogliano. "Bread crust melanoidins as potential prebiotic ingredients." Molecular Nutrition and Food Research: 49.7. March 21, 2005.http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/110550260/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0
"Bread Crust and Stuffing Rich in Healthy Antioxidants." Science Daily. Nov. 5, 2002.http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/11/021105080817.htm
"Does eating bread crust make your hair go curly?". Heath and Well Being. June 2006.http://health.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=694037
"Fun Facts: What's Good for Your Body?" St. Louis Science Center.http://www.slsc.org/uploadedFiles/move/Vitamins and Nutrients.pdf
Horowitz, Janet, et. al. "Bread Goes Upper Crust." Time Magazine. May 7, 1990.http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,970017,00.html
Panneerselvam, Jayabal, et. al."Inhibitory effect of bread crust antioxidant pronyl-lysine on two different categories of colonic premalignant lesions induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine." European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 18.4. August 2009.http://journals.lww.com/eurjcancerprev/Abstract/2009/08000/Inhibitory_effect_of_bread_crust_antioxidant.5.aspx

Bread Crust And Stuffing Rich In Healthy Antioxidants

The best thing since sliced bread may be bread crust: Researchers in Germany have discovered that the crust is a rich source of antioxidants and may provide a much stronger health benefit than the res


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