

If Warren Buffett retired at 65 as most people do, you
would have never heard of him.
At 65, Mr. Buffett's net worth was $11B, which is
nothing to sneeze at, but certainly not enough to earn
him the title "Oracle of Omaha" and become a
household name. Over 90% of his $109B net worth
was acquired after retirement age.
Mr. Buffett's secret to success is time in the market.
Starting at age 21 until today at age 93, he's been
investing for over 70 years.
Real estate investors sitting on the sidelines waiting
for rates or prices to come down are missing out on
cash flow, appreciation, tax write-offs, and principal
As Mr. Buffett's example demonstrates, time in the
market is more important than timing the market.
The old adage is true: Don't wait to buy real estate -
buy real estate and wait.
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