

Consignment Box Commitment
This Consignment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and effective the [DATE] 17/12/2021
BETWEEN: Fast Delivery Service And Jiang Xiuyi
We have unanimously agreed that the delivery company will deliver the comsignment box safety to the destination
After the remittance of $20,000USD. We hereby signed an undertaking with Mrs Jiang that if we fail to deliver
The consignment box as we agreed
(Mr Jiang): This name above should be the receiver of the consignment box, and a corporation organized
and existing under the laws of the (State/Province) with its head office
In consideration of the terms and covenant of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties
Then let the law take place. This is the letter of our sincerity
c. Consignee has agreed to undertake the marketing of principal's merchandise on the terms
set forth in this agreement.
Consignee shall have the exclusive right to sell and distribute principal's merchandise throughout
[TERRITORY] during the term of this agreement.
a Principal shall deliver to consignee such quantity of its merchandise that consignee requires
for sale from [HIS OR HER OR ITS] place of business at [STREET ADDRESS]. [CITY].
b. Principal shall pay all freight and shipping charges.
c. Consignee shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to merchandise while it is under
[HIS OR HER] control.
Consignment Agreement
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