
Thank you for confirming the validity of your email address and I hereby officially inform you that you have received a donation of US$1.5 million from me.

It gives me great joy to give this donation to you and I am hoping that you will use the money wisely and judiciously. I ask you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living and see the joy and happiness of giving.

Please send me the below information before proceeding with the transferring of this donation to you.

Do make sure you provide me with your correct and complete information in other to get your legal documents to claim your donation through the bank.

Full Name:
Mobile Number:
Age / Sex:

Please note, if the names are not correct the bank will reject the donation.

Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia
Ruparelia Charity Foundation
近 31 日
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閱聽人需要注意以下幾點: 1. 這封信是由一位自稱為 Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia 的人發送的,但我們無法確認這個人的真實身份。 2. 這封信聲稱你已經收到了一筆 1.5 百萬美元的捐款,但你並沒有事先知道這筆錢的存在,因此需要謹慎對待。 3. 這封信要求你提供個人資訊,包括姓名、地址、國家、職業、手機號碼、年齡/性別等,這些資訊可能會被用於詐騙或其他不當用途。 4. 這封信聲稱如果你的名字不正確,銀行將拒絕捐款,這可能是一種威脅或詐騙手段。 因此,閱聽人需要謹慎對待這封信,不要隨意提供個人資訊,並且需要進一步確認這個捐款是否真實存在。
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