Important Notification:

Your Facebook page is scheduled for permanent deletion due to a post that has infringed upon our trademark rights. We have reached this decision after a thorough review and in accordance with our intellectual property protection policies.

If you believe this to be a misunderstanding, we kindly request you to file a complaint seeking the reinstatement of your page prior to its removal from Facebook.

Request for Review:

We understand that this situation may impact your ongoing business operations. However, please be informed that if we do not receive a complaint from you, our decision will be final.

Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated. Should you have any inquiries or apprehensions, please feel free to reach out to us.


Facebook Support Team
近 31 日
1 次瀏覽
本訊息有 1 則查核回應
murmur 認為 含有錯誤訊息
引用自 murmur 查核回應
假的,網址不是 Facebook 的網站,該連結為騙取帳號密碼的釣魚網站。



【報告將隨時更新 2022/8/22版】 一、Meta官方訊息,會以通知或電郵發送,不會用貼文標記方式;網傳粉專及所附連結是釣魚網站,用以盜取帳號。 二、根據Meta處理流程,若粉專帳號被盜用,需透過向Meta申訴,請求協助,重新取回粉專經營。 三、專家表示,臉書帳號被駭入之後,駭入者主要用來詐騙金錢、發送假訊息或駭入其他個資系統;用戶在社群平台收到官方訊息時,都要先確認是否由官方管道,或官方網址

以上內容「Cofacts 真的假的」訊息回報機器人與查證協作社群提供,以 CC授權 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) 釋出,於後續重製或散布時,原社群顯名及每一則查證的出處連結皆必須被完整引用。

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